The police officers in front of 45 Craig Street appear to be from the former B.C. Provincial Police, which was disbanded and replaced by the R.C.M.P. in August 1950,
45 Craig Street as Powel’s Men’s Wear, circa 1950, with B.C. Provincial Police officers in front. The building on the right was the Canadian Bank of Commerce, now demolished. The CIBC branch now stands on that site. (Note: we are currently checking for the source of this photo)
The building at the right of the photo was the Canadian Bank of Commerce building, now demolished and replaced by the current CI.B.C. branch at the same site.
Here is how 45 Craig Street appears now from approximately the same angle.
In the fall of 2015 four totem poles from the City of Duncan collection were removed from public display and placed in a City of Duncan Public Works facility for maintenance.
Each month we highlight an historic Duncan building. Our Featured Historic Building for May 2016 is the Whittome Building on Station Street, built in 1913.
The Whittome Building was originally built in 1913 as the Lodge Hall for the Independent Order of Oddfellows (I.O.O.F.) Duncan Lodge No.17. It replaced an earlier I.O.O.F. lodge building on the same site which burned down in 1912. The building was purchased by J.H. Whittome & Co. in 1934 and renamed the Whittome Building.
The Whittome Building is still owned by J.H. Whittome & Co.’s successor company, Cowichan Estates Ltd., which uses it as its corporate headquarters.
But there is still evidence of the Whittome Building’s I.O.O.F origin visible on the Station Street facade of the Whittome Building.
The original cornerstone placed by the I.O.O.F. Grand Master on 29 March 1913 is still in place in the north east corner of the building. The cornerstone as it currently appears is shown in Figure 1 below.
The cornerstone is a granite ashlar and shows the I.O.O.F three ring symbol with the inscription:
The I.O.O.F three ring symbol still appears on the upper level of the Whittome Building facade beneath the roofline cornice of the building. (See Figure 3 below)
There is also an representation of the I.O.O.F three ring symbol rendered in tile at the main street level entrance to the building (see Figure 2 below.
Duncan Lodge, No.17 of the I.O.O.F., which originally built the Whittome Building, no longer exists; it surrendered its charter in the 1940s.
Figure 1. – I.O.O.F. Cornerstone of Whittome Building, Station Street, Duncan, B.C.
Here is the local newspaper report of the corner stone laying ceremony in April 1913:
“Corner Stone Laid of I.O.O.F. Hall
Impressive Ceremony – Large Attendance
Banquet To Visitors In Evening
Despite the fact that the weather was anything but inviting on Saturday afternoon last, there was quite a number of people present at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the I.O.O.F. building on Station Street. There were a number [of] invited guests including representatives of the various Public bodies and other lodges in the city and district.
The ceremony was performed by the Grand Master of the Province G.M. Johnstone of Vancouver, while others present at the ceremony included Mr. Fred Davey, M.P.P., (Grand Secretary for the past 20 years), Mr. P.W. Dempster, Grand Treasurer of Vancouver, the Rev. E.G. Miller, Grand Chaplain, A.G.W. Colonel Jensen of Vancouver, A.G. Laidlaw, Grand Marshal, Vancouver, A. Maclean, Grand Guard, A.G. Cavalskey, Grand Representative, Nanaimo, W. Cullen, P.G.M., Victoria and F. Simpson, P.G.M., Victoria.
The ceremony commenced by the Grand Master saying a few words to the gathering before calling on the Grand Chaplain to bless the lodge and building of which they were laying the corner stone. Grand Master Johnstone said it gave him great pleasure to be present at such a ceremony as this and he wished the Duncan lodge every success and prosperity in the carrying on of their great work. Thereupon he called upon the Grand Chaplain to bless the building and, as he did so, the the cornerstone was let down into place, guided by the hands of the Grand Master.
Inside the cornerstone were placed various papers and documents; among them being the current issues of the Cowichan Leader and the Oddfellows and documents referring to the affairs of the Grand Lodge and the local Lodge.
Drawn up behind the group immediately surrounding the Grand Master were a number of the Patriarchs Militant – a high degree of Oddfellowship – in their handsome uniforms and brilliantly cocked hats, They were under the command of Col. Dilabough of Victoria.
There were a few short speeches at the conclusion of the actual ceremony, the first speaker being Mr. F. Simpson, late editor of the Cranbrook Herald. Mr. Simpson said he recalled how that some years ago he arrived here ill and a stranger. He felt that he could never discharge the debt that he owed to the Duncan Oddfellows for the kindness that had been shown him at that time. Continuing Mr. Simpson referred to the increasing number of Oddfellows throughout the world and the consequent increase in power and importance of their order. He stated that there were in all over one million and a half Oddfellows and including the Rebekahs there were over two millions.
The next speaker was Mr. W.H. Hayward, M.P.P., who congratulated the local Oddfellows on the enterprise they had shown in beginning to erect such a splendid building within such a short time after the disastrous fire which destroyed their previous building. Mr. Hayward said that he thought their faith in this city was not misplaced as no place in the province was forging ahead more rapidly than the Cowichan district. Mr. Hayward also referred to the good work of the lodges all over the world. Their work was to come to the aid of the widow, the orphan and those that were down, and their work was most valuable.
His Worship Mayor Duncan also said a few words of congratulation to the local lodge and expressed his pleasure that the Oddfellows had been prepared to show their faith in the future of Duncan by investing a large sum of money in this fine brick building.
At the conclusion of the speeches a group of the visitors and their hosts were taken to the front steps of the Tzouhalem Hotel.
In the evening a banquet was held in honour of the visit of the Grand Master and the other important officers of the Order in British Columbia. The banquet which was served in the K. of P. Lodge Room was attended by about 100 guests, including many of the Rebekah sisters. The latter were responsible for the catering and the banquet they served was indeed a sumptuous one. Mr. William Evans, Noble Grand of the local lodge, presided and beside the distinguished visitors there were present, among others, Messrs. Alderman Campbell, W.J. Castley, secretary of the local lodge, the Rev. J.W. Dickinson, A.C. Aitken, A. Henderson and M.A. Dawber who entertained the company with a couple of songs, Mr. E.J. Bowden and many ladies including Mrs. W.E. Archer and Miss Bell, also sang.
The idea of first starting a lodge of Oddfellows in Duncan originated with a member of Dominion Lodge, No.4 in Victoria. He was at that time foreman of Koksilah quarry, L. Anderson by name, and his efforts were so successful that January 20th, 1892 nine pilgrims journeyed to Victoria and were there initiated into the mysteries of Oddfellowship. The report they brought back was so favourable that 17 others desired to join the order. Grand Master Phillips arrived on January 27th and they also were made Oddfellows in the Agricultural Hall.
A Lodge was instituted to be called Duncan Lodge, No.17 I.O.O.F. The charter members were C.H. Dickie, N.G., Alex Cheyne V.G., John Norwood Secy., Wm. G. Manley Treasurer, Wm. Dingwall, Wm. Oleson, J. Street and R.J. Manley. A hall was rented over W.P. Jaynes‘ store and meetings were held more or less regularly until 1894 when a lot was purchased and a building erected thereon (the largest building in town at the time). Financially, the lodge was always a success, though the members were inclined to roam at one time and there were members in nearly every part of the globe from Dawson City to Cuba, and the British Isles, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand.
The new hall was then taken over and the same good fortune continued, with practically no sickness among the members, thus allowing the funds of the lodge to accumulate. until the 25th November 1911, when the first serious loss occurred by fire. Everything was lost. No help was asked from other lodges or from anyone else, however, and it is hoped that the present structure will be attended by continued good luck.
The Rebekahs started a lodge in Duncan in 1901 and they, also, have met with great success. They now have well on to 50 members.”
Figure 2 – Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F) symbol is still in place at the Whittome Building main entrance.
Here is the local newspaper report of this building’s dedication as the I.O.O.F. Lodge in November 1913:
“I.O.O.F. Hall – Dedication of a Fine Building
A largely attended meeting took place in Duncan on Wednesday night, the occasion being the dedication by the Oddfellows of their new hall.
Nearly a hundred were present to witness the ceremony and dedication which was performed under the aegis of the acting Grand Master, F.W. Dempster of Victoria, and under the direction of Brother H. Evans.
The ceremony consisted in the raising of an altar built of seven stones of different hues symbolizing the virtues, purity, friendship, love, truth, faith, hope and charity.
Messrs. Smith, Halpenny, W. Evans and McKay, Grand Heralds of the north, south, east and west respectively accomplished this task, on the completion of which prayer was offered up by the chaplain, Bro. Bowden and several odes were sung by the Rebekah chior. The whole was quite an impressive spectacle.
The company afterwards adjourned to the banquet hall to partake of an excellent supper, which had been prepared by the ladies of the Rebekah lodge. A lengthy toast list was successfully negotiated under Bro. Dickinson’s chairmanship, the toast of the Grand Lodge calling forth quite an oration from Bro. Fred Davis, M.P.P. of Victoria.
The musical part of the proceedings was, as is usual among the Oddfellows, quite satisfactory. Bros. Davis and Plaskett delighted their audience with their rendering of Excelsior and Bro. Dawber delighted his hearers with several of his humorous ditties. After supper, dancing was indulged in by some, while others betook themselves to the card room.
Among notable visitors present was Bro. Glass from Penticton, who complimented the lodge on its coming of age and its new building.
Figure 3 – Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F) symbol on Whittome Building exterior
Finally, here is the local newspaper report of the sale of the building to J.H. Whittome & Co. in 1934.
“BUILDING CHANGES – New Whittome & Co. Offices – Stores In Old Location
Mr. E.W. Lee‘s workmen began on Tuesday to transform the old Fox store in the I.O.O.F Building, Station Street, into a real estate and insurance office and stock board room for Messrs. J.H. Whittome & Co., who will subdivide their present building across the street into three small stores.
Mr. Whittome has been in business in Duncan since 1898. He began in the old Jaynes Building, now occupied by Vancouver Island Coach Lines Ltd. and which is also undergoing alterations at present, but very soon moved to his present location, where he has been about 35 years.
The new office will be right up to date and a hundred times more convenient than the old one, where the staff and public have constantly to be running upstairs to the board room. The front will be completely altered and entrance will be from the right, near the Cowichan Merchants. The first part will be the general office, with a 36-foot counter. Three private offices will also be found there.
There will be a well-constructed steel-lined vault with automatic fire door. It will have two stories, and current papers will be stored on the main office level, other papers on the basement level.
Stocks and bonds will have their own sanctuary behind a sound-proof partition running right across the office to the height of the ceiling. It will close off all the rear part.
Inside will be a circular stock board of 60-foot length and a raised platform around it, with a raised platform for the telegrapher and his instrument at one end and the ticker with Vancouver [stock] prices in the centre. There will also be a private office here.
It is hoped to have the new office ready by July [1934].
The present building will be divided into three stores of equal size and the front will be changed and stuccoed up to the [illegible in original] the first story.”
Each month, Duncan Sightseeing selects one of Duncan’s Historic Buildings as our Historic Building of the Month.
For April 2016, out Featured Historic Building of the Month is 134 Government Street. Many may be surprised by this selection but read on and you’ll find out why we have selected it.
This building at 134 Government Street is currently in a somewhat rundown condition. It is currently apartments on the second floor with commercial space on the main level currently being used by the New Bong Shop.
The former Canadian Legion building at 134 Government Street, built in 1939 by architect Douglas James for the Canadian Legion, Cowichan Branch
This building tends to be overlooked today but when it was completed in 1939 it was considered important enough to warrant a special opening ceremony attended by the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. See A Brief History below.
Additional Information About 134 Government Street
Assessed Value (July 2015): $201,200; Land $129,900 Buildings $71,300
Assessed Value (July 2014): $200,600; Land $129,800 Buildings $70,800
A Brief History
This building was built in 1939 by architect Douglas James for the Canadian Legion, Cowichan Branch. Today it frequently considered an eyesore and many people today are completely unaware of its history and of the fact that this was considered an important downtown Duncan building when it was completed in 1939. It was considering significant enough to warrant a special opening ceremony attended by the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia.
For those unwilling to believe this, here are the 1939 newspaper reports of the opening of this building:
“Cowichan Branch’s New Quarters Are Spacious And Comfortable
The new building of Cowichan Branch, Canadian Legion, is an immense improvement over its predecessor. Its size is in keeping with the branch’s increased membership and provides more room for recreation and relaxation.
Irregular in shape to conform to the road line, it is 72 feet long on one side, 56 [feet long] on the other [side] and 40 feet wide. The sides are white painted board and the square, imposing front of stucco.
Two large windows admit light to the clubroom, which runs the length of the downstairs part of the building and is in two sections, one slightly wider than the other.
The front, or smaller section, which is reached through the lobby and cloak-room, is the parlour, with the steward’s room and office separated from it by a partition. Two doors lead off it, one to the cellar, where there is a furnace, air-conditioning plant and refrigerator compressor, and the other to the lavatory. The cellar will be used for carpet bowling in winter.
The larger section of the clubroom consists of four full sized billiard tables, bordered by plush covered seats for spectators.
Meeting Hall Upstairs
Upstairs there is a meeting hall, seating 125, a kitchen, a cloakroom, another lavatory, and a room for the legion Women’s Auxiliary. Previously, the Legion meetings were held in the clubroom of the old building and W.A. meetings in the Agricultural Hall or at the homes of members.
The ceilings and the upper part of the walls are plastered. The lower part of the walls being lined with varnished V-joint to a height of six feet downstairs and four feet upstairs.
“In the old building,” said Mr. Fred Bomford, assistant steward, “we didn’t have room to hang a good many of our pictures and game heads. There should be a place for them now.”
Former Building
The old building, which was partially demolished to make way for the new, had a 50-year history. It was built on the site now occupied by Wilson & Cabrida’s used car lot, and opened by Mr. James Cathcart, now of Chemainus, as Duncan’s first butcher shop.
After six or seven years service as a butcher shop it became a storage shed for Mr. Charles Bazett‘s store next door. Mr. R.H. Whidden bought it in the 1900’s and moved it across the road to establish his wheelwright business.
He built several additions to it, and when he sold it to the Legion several years ago it was a patchwork building.
The rear part of it was not demolished and will be used as a reading-room and library. It leads off the new clubroom at the back.
Building Committee
Erection of the Legion’s new quarters meant much work for the building committee: Messrs. E.S. Fox (chairman), A.J. Castle, J. Shearlow and F.W. Hitchcox.
Mr. Douglas James was architect, Harris Construction Co. was general contractor and the following were sub-contractors –
Duggan & Meredith, electrical wiring; A. Paull, plumbing; George Purver, plastering; A. Thackray, brickwork; J.E. Saunders, painting; Pacific Sheet Metal Works, Victoria, metal work. The refrigerator was installed by Mr. B. Noel, Victoria.”
Cowichan Branch, Canadian Legion opened its new quarters on Saturday afternoon – with the Lieutenant-Governor officiating, visiting comrades and Legion officials extending congratulations and everyone happy to see such a suitable building and to know that it had been built without any debt.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamber, accompanied by Col. J.R. Kingham, aide de camp, arrived a few minutes after four o’clock, and were greeting in front of the building by a guard of honour of some 30 veterans, marshalled by Comrade R.N. Simmonds, vice president. Comrade C.G. McInnes, president, welcomed the Lieutenant-Governor and accompanied him on his inspection of the guard. Mrs. G.W. Brookbank, president of the Legion W.A. and Mrs. McInnes greeted Mrs. Hamber at the door and Dorothy Fox, daughter of Comrade E.S. Fox and Mrs. Fox, presented her with a bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums.
The Lieutenant-Governor and his party inspected the downstairs portion of the building, and then came upstairs to the assembly room, which was packed with Legion and W.A. members and their guests.
Taking seats reserved at the front were Mr. and Mrs. Hamber, Mrs. Brookbank, Mrs. MacGregor Mackintosh (Ganges), Mrs. C.G. MacInnes, Col. Kingham, Comrade McInnes, Comrade R.B. Longridge, Comrade Mayor James Grieg.
President’s Welcome
Comrade McInnes welcomed His Honour. Speaking to him as a representative of the Crown, he reaffirmed the Legion’s loyalty. “We also welcome you,” he said, “as one who takes a keen interest in the affairs of veterans.”
Comrade McInnes stated that the branch had a membership of 240 and that the building was free of “any indebtedness whatsoever.” he took no credit for this achievement, but said it was dues to the efforts of his predecessors in office.
Mr. Hamber had ready congratulations for the branch on puttng up “such splendid club rooms” without debt. “I hope,” he said, “that you all may be spared many years yet to enjoy these rooms and the comradeship of the members.”
The Cowichan Merchants Building is a landmark structure with frontage on Station Street, Craig Street and Government Street in downtown Duncan. The Cowichan Merchants Building was built in 1912 to replace an earlier structure, built in 1910, which burned down in a major downtown fire on 25 September 1911. The original design for this building was by Victoria architect Alexander Maxwell Muir.
25 Craig Street is now the Craig Street Brew Pub, a popular downtown Duncan restaurant and pub which brews its own craft beer on site. The Craig Street Brew Pub has been in the building since 2004, but 25 Craig Street also has an interesting history going back to 1929.
25 Craig Street was designed and built in 1929 by Vancouver architect William Frederick Gardiner (1884-1951) as a gas station and garage for the Home Oil Company of Vancouver.
Today this may seem an unlikely location for a gas station and garage but it made complete sense in 1929.
We have included this page about William Frederick Gardiner on because he designed 25 Craig Street, a well known building in downtown Duncan which is now the Craig Street Brew Pub, a popular downtown restaurant and pub which brews its own craft beer onsite.
William Frederick Gardiner designed and built 25 Craig Street in 1929 for the Home Oil Company, a Vancouver based petroleum refiner which also ran a chain of gas station and garages through which it retailed its products.
Four totem poles from the City of Duncan totem pole collection have been removed from public display and are currently being stored in a City of Duncan facility, awaiting maintenance.
Duncan City Hall is a local landmark building located at the intersection of Kenneth Street and Craig Street in downtown Duncan.
Duncan City Hall, built in 1913 as a Post Office and renovated into City Hall in 1974-75
The building was originally built in 1913 as the Federal Building and Post Office and was used as the Post Office until 1958, when the Post Office moved to its current location on Ingram Street, one block east of the City Hall.
After the Post Office moved, this building remained underutilized and poorly maintained. By the early 1970s, it had deteriorated to the point at which demolition was being seriously considered.